Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shakespeare in Love (1999)

Yon light is not daylight, I know it, I.
It is some meteor that the sun exhales.

These are my all time favorite words from Shakespeare, Romet and Juliet Act 3, Scene 5.

It's amazing that a movie was created that actually contains these words, or the first sentence, at least.

I had forgotten all about this movie until I recently structured my mind to watch the major award winning movies in the last 30 years.

It is a stunning performance by Gwyneth Paltrow. I would have liked to see Ralph Fiennes or Kenneth Branagh as William, I think that would have just be the cherry on top of the cake, but his brother Joseph did fine.

It's a comedy with a sour flavour, the end is quite dramatic, just like a Shakespearean play.

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