Saturday, January 19, 2019

Inferno (2016)

Tom Hanks in another book/movie. I read the book and a few days later, I decided to watch the movie. Being a real-time book, a real-time movie, and a sequel (it's been how many, 2, 3 ?) of Dan Brown's DaVinci's Code, they should be on top of it by now. Well...the girl is lovely, although a bit softer than I expected. Also, they had to massively cut in the timings, and places like Venice and Istambul are shown in a hurry. But that's the marvel of reading instead of watching it going by, you get to see it in your brain at your speed, not being hurried by the Director because it cannot exceed 120 mins.
3 out of 5, and if you're gonna watch it, read the book first!!!

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