The last days I watched (this is a movie that I didnt bother to watch at once.. the first part didn't really touch me) Inception, a Leonardo Di Caprio movie (Leonardo does look like Nico Rosberg.. or the other way around).
All things said, the idea is a bit like Brazil, the environment bit like The Matrix, and the overall resul is.. ok.
However, it is too predictable, the effective outcome, and both the apparent end and the alternate ending (spoiler: Wether reality is actually a dream or not. To be honest, in the last 5 minutes of the movie I conjured that the movie would end with the gadget spinning endlessly and the end credits would show up. It's nearly what happened. I say nearly, because you can see that the gadget starts to decrease speed and then it ends).
As to the idea that was supposed to be implanted, I must say that it was unnecessary. As the grief would increase, the not-so-prodigal son would find out that if the father was disappointed at him, he too was utterly disappointed with this father, and what better *revenge* would it be, than to scatter the father's empire appart, by splitting the companies.
Of course, that is my *DARK* mind speaking. A more brighter mind would probably work endlessly to enhance the company and gain his *father on heaven* recognition.
What do I find sad ? That this is considered the best Sci-Fi movie of all times by IMDB. These people clearly don't know what Sci-Fi is all about. Star Wars, Aliens and Blade Runner are so much more in the A league than this piece of crap (well, not really, but stil...)
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