Thursday, July 28, 2011

A mi madre le gustan las mujeres [My Mother Likes Women] (2002)

Estamos a falar de um dos meus TOP 10 movies.
We're talking about one of my TOP 10 movies.

This is ofc a review, I first saw it about 3-4 years ago.

A funny story, an unexpected ending, great photography, absolutely stunning performance of all the women involved, a very good soundtrack, with original music specifically produced for this, and last but not least, a tour of Prague !

Directors: Daniela Féjerman, Inés París

Actresses I liked the most:

Elvira: Leonor Watling. This is an Oscar class actress !
Sol: Silvia Abascal. Very very funny and natural.
Eliska Sirová: Herself. The czech actress stopped acting (according to IMDB) with this movie, shame.

This is not a movie to see once. This one of those you have to return to every couple of years. There's so much dialog in Spanish that you've got to slowly capture.

Em bom novo Português, há boé diálogo para desbravar em Espanhol, frases curtas que dão o mote à história, à piada, e à descoberta da personalidade dos personagens.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Inception (2010)

The last days I watched (this is a movie that I didnt bother to watch at once.. the first part didn't really touch me) Inception, a Leonardo Di Caprio movie (Leonardo does look like Nico Rosberg.. or the other way around).

All things said, the idea is a bit like Brazil, the environment bit like The Matrix, and the overall resul is.. ok.

However, it is too predictable, the effective outcome, and both the apparent end and the alternate ending (spoiler: Wether reality is actually a dream or not. To be honest, in the last 5 minutes of the movie I conjured that the movie would end with the gadget spinning endlessly and the end credits would show up. It's nearly what happened. I say nearly, because you can see that the gadget starts to decrease speed and then it ends).

As to the idea that was supposed to be implanted, I must say that it was unnecessary. As the grief would increase, the not-so-prodigal son would find out that if the father was disappointed at him, he too was utterly disappointed with this father, and what better *revenge* would it be, than to scatter the father's empire appart, by splitting the companies.

Of course, that is my *DARK* mind speaking. A more brighter mind would probably work endlessly to enhance the company and gain his *father on heaven* recognition.

What do I find sad ? That this is considered the best Sci-Fi movie of all times by IMDB. These people clearly don't know what Sci-Fi is all about. Star Wars, Aliens and Blade Runner are so much more in the A league than this piece of crap (well, not really, but stil...)

Monday, July 25, 2011

This it it (2009)

Being a fan of the Michael of the early days (Farewell my summer love, Off the Wall, Thriller), I was in shock when he died in the Summer of 2009.
The concert came out late 2009, but I just couldn't watch it, as I thought it would sadden me too much.

Today I watched it, together with my kiddo.

From what I saw, it was going to be an amazing show.

I never believe 100% of media says, and so I didn't believe a lot of the crap the media stated about Michael, e.g. the way he was physically and mentally weak, in those months prior to his death, and how he died because of that.

If there is one thing that catches your eye is his energy, his peace on stage, his relaxed posture. There's no way someone who was mentally or physically weak could dance and sing and act and talk like he was talking days or weeks before dying.

A shame he was killed that way.

For sure, this is a movie, or should I say, a documentary, worth watching, and rewatching, every few years.

5 stars.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The roommate (2011)

Para variar, peguei num filme à balda, na lista das novidades do zonclube. Suspensezito,horrorzito, e uma maneira de agir da personagem principal que reconheci e me deixou a pensar. Por isso o filme leva mais uma estrela do que merece. A crítica parece não gostar. Mas du gostei do desenrolar da personagem doentia.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Romance X (1999)

Depois de ver o Michel Vaillant, no imdb surgiu-me este filme, também do Sagamore Stévenin. Achei piada, e vi. Entra o Roco, o tipo dos filmes porno (um filme fabuloso com a Angela Summmers nos anos 90), e uma miuda com ar tipo filha actriz da série Conta-me como foi.

Resultado ? Um filme com sexo quase explícito mas não porno, francês, ie, sinónimo de grandes tiradas filosóficas em alturas e posturas estranhas, que acaba como os típicos filmes franceses. Não digo o fim. Por acaso estava à espera que acabasse como outro filme francês passado, com a Sophie Marceau, "As minhas noites são mais longas que os vossos dias", mas não.

Vale a pena ver ? Sim. Uma vez. Depois apaga-se.

PS: M18, já agora.

The Hurt Locker (2008) OSCAR FOR BEST PICTURE

Well.. it's not just quite another of those War movies.

Tuga switching.

Gostei. É duro, bruto, e foca numa realidade que nós, os pipis europeus, não vemos, nós, os que vivemos num continente onde as ruas não explodem em fogo uma vez por ano, mês, semana, ou dia.

Não é um filme que reveja alguma vez.

Gostei do toque no final, do pormenor que uma mulher realizadora, a primeira a ganhar este Óscar, consegue, ao captar o excesso, a futilidade de um corredor cheio de cereais, num hipermarket americano, em contraste com as bombas, o sangue, o pó, e a indiferença com que os iraquianos parecem encarar o que se passa à volta deles.

O Iraque estava mau. Era um país mau. Mas não está melhor. É livre ? Talvez. Não, livre, como devia ser.

Mas quem fala de liberdade sem saber como é a vida para as tropas, e para o povo que lá vive, não faz ideia do que fala.

Nem eu.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Michel Vaillant (2003)

A lot of movies later... eheh...

Today, after, after 8 years, I finally watched Michel Vaillant, my favorite hero, in a movie. It's french, a bit hard to follow the dialogs as they speak fast and eating most words, but I did ok.

The story reminds me of "Le 13 est au depart", one of comics from the series. The characters are mixed up, with Julie Wood as pilot, no Yves, no Françoise, Joseph is young..
Leader faction: Cramer is a fine character, Jo Barret (grim joke) not so.
Michel Vaillant is ok, Stevie Warson, too, but I expected them taller.
La Jonquière ? Very nice.
The cars ? Absolutely fabulous.

All in all, a good movie, makes me want to go to Le Mans next year. Why not ????